Dedicated to the memory of Nesta Hulmes

Er cof annwyl am Nesta Hulmes. Gwraig ffyddlon i Peter. Mam gariadus i Cathy a mab yng nghyfraith Steve, chwaer i’r diweddar Eifion, chwaer ynghyfraith i’r diweddar i Owena, ac i Philip & Janet, Raymond & Veronica a ffrind arbennig i bawb.

In loving memory of Nesta Hulmes. Dearly loved wife of Peter, much loved and treasured mum of Cathy and son-in-law Steve, sister of the late Eifion, sister-in-law to the late Owena and to Philip and Janet, Raymond and Veronica, a kind and caring friend to all. She is much loved and will always be remembered.


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